over the project which I (Mohammed), Sam and Rami undertook did not pan out as
how we interpreted it. Looking over our project plans I believe that tasks that
we had carried out for the project partially some tasks that were carried out ran
over the time span allocated that we set on the project plan. Even though
sticking to the dates on all tasks set, I wasn’t able to stick to some of the
tasks time span stated on the project plan. This meant that some tasks had to
be rushed in order to keep on track or when running over, keeping the overtime
to a minimum as possible. The reason why some task took more time to complete
was due to the fact that there was a large quantity of work such as the website
not being at its best. The main problem that had occurred in the project was
that Rami webpages that he create didn’t meet the standard of a website specifically
he used lorem ipsum which meant that there was no information on his pages
about our site which lead to the user not have a clear message being conveyed
to them. Because of this the group had to wait a week because of half term to do
presentation to the client which caused a lot of overtime for this task of
presentation to client. Due of the fact of time management the webpages created
were kept very basic so we could keep to the timing set on the project plan
which is one of task that we met. Regarding the successful that went well with
the project management part of the project was that the group was able to
complete the project on time according to the project plan even though with
some tasks we did not completed on time and over ran a bit. Other successful things
the well was that we got feedback from our client and peers, because of this it
enabled us to be able to get idea of how to improve our webpages. Another successful
thing that went well in the project was that the group I (Mohammed, Sam and
Rami) all worked as a, there were lots of tasks to be done at specific times
and we got them complete such as the interim reviews and designs.